What Limits Do My Possessions Have on My Homeowner’s Policy?

Many people mistakenly believe that their homeowner’s policy covers all their possessions against incidents like fire, theft, and natural disasters. However, many high-value items have a maximum coverage limit under standard homeowner’s policies. This includes items like jewelry, antiques, artwork, sterling silver, and firearms. But if you have such items in your San Jose, CA, home, you can still insure them for their full value. You need to discuss special insurance for these possessions with your insurance professional.

Items with an Insurance Maximum in Most Homeowner’s Policies

Items that typically have a maximum and may require special insurance include:

  • Jewelry
  • Fine wine and liquor
  • Antiques
  • Artwork
  • Firearms
  • Musical instruments
  • Collectibles, such as stamps, coins, or baseball card collections

Insuring Your Special Items

You can protect the value of your special, high-end items by purchasing a special insurance policy specifically for those items. This type of insurance is often referred to as a "ride." To do this, you’ll need to obtain an independent, written appraisal of the items you wish to insure from an expert in that field, such as an art dealer, jeweler, or independent appraiser. The amount you paid or the amount a similar item is listed for on eBay does not count as an appraisal. You’ll pay a separate premium for this insurance in addition to the premium for your standard homeowner’s insurance.

Contact Bayshield Insurance to learn more about special insurance for your high-end possessions and all your personal property insurance needs. We’ve been assisting San Jose, CA, area residents with their home, auto, and commercial insurance needs since 2017.

Does Commercial Insurance Cover Wildfires?

Each year, California’s wildfires become increasingly severe, posing risks to lives, homes, and businesses. Most people want to ensure their businesses are well-protected, but does commercial insurance cover damage from a wildfire? The answer depends on the specifics of the insurance policy.

Policy Details

The type of policy you have may determine whether damage is covered. Some policies have a named peril clause, which states they will only cover named perils. Damage will be covered if a wildfire is specifically stated in your insurance policy. Comprehensive coverage is known to cover everything, but a wildfire may be considered an act of God, which isn’t covered. Liability insurance covers the bare minimum. A professional at Bayshield Insurance can help you determine what your policy covers.

Cause of the Fire

The cause of the fire can determine whether the damage is covered. Wildfires that start naturally are referred to as acts of God. Natural disasters like floods also fall into this category. Only specific policies cover these damages. Wildfires may start due to someone else’s negligence, such as throwing a lit cigarette into a dry brush. This isn’t an act of God and may not be covered by insurance unless it covers accidental damage.

Policy Cost

Several factors can impact the cost of wildfire coverage. Businesses in San Jose, CA, located near fire hydrants or fire departments, may have a lower premium because they are better protected from damage. Ensure your company has fire safety systems, such as sprinklers, fire extinguishers, and escape routes.

Contact Bayshield Insurance

Wildfires are a persistent threat and are likely to continue worsening. A professional from Bayshield Insurance can help you learn more about insurance policies in San Jose, CA, to protect your business. Contact us today to learn more.

Why Is Whole Life Insurance So Popular?

Two main types of life insurance are popular, and one of those is whole life insurance. The other type, term life insurance, is a kind that works very differently. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages. Whole life insurance comes with some extra benefits that term life policies don’t. When you need life insurance, we’re happy to help. Just contact us at Bayshield Insurance in San Jose, CA.

Whole Life Insurance: No Expiration Date

Unlike term life policies, this type of life insurance comes with no expiration dates. Whole life policies stay in effect for as long as you want them. No matter how old you get, your policy won’t expire. Many people appreciate this benefit because they don’t want to have to get a new life insurance policy in the future when theirs expires. Having it for the rest of your life means not having to try to get life insurance when you reach an age that would make it difficult to get a new policy.

The Cash Value of Whole Life Insurance

Another highly popular benefit of whole life insurance is that the policies build up a cash value. As the policy goes into effect, it slowly starts to build up a value that can benefit the policyholder. This is a value that they can borrow against if they ever need or want to. When this is borrowed, it’s paid back just as you would with any other loan. The amount of the loan is simply subtracted from the death benefit until the loan is paid back. This can certainly come in handy when you have a financial emergency and need to be able to get funds.

Secure Your Life Insurance with Bayshield Insurance

No matter which type of life insurance you want, we can help. If you’re interested in coverage, call us at Bayshield Insurance in San Jose, CA.

Why Does the Need for Umbrella Insurance Increase after Age 40?

Once you pass your 40th birthday, you might notice that your Bayshield Insurance agent often suggests an umbrella policy for you. San Jose, CA residents may wonder why that happens. Your insurance agent understands how a liability settlement could adversely affect financial security and wants to help you protect yours.

Umbrella Coverage Provides Significant Liability Protection

An umbrella, secondary insurance policy pays out once your primary policy’s liability limit caps. Once you purchase the maximum liability protection on your primary policy, you can add an umbrella policy with one million dollars of coverage for just a few dollars per month in premiums. If you incur liability for any reason, from libeling or slandering someone to a person getting injured on your property, the primary policy pays out first, and then the umbrella takes over.

Why Carry Umbrellas After 40

So, umbrella insurance covers excessive liability costs after your primary policy pays out. Now, here’s why that becomes more important after you reach the age of 40. If you do not carry umbrella coverage and incur an expensive liability settlement in your 20s or 30s, you might need to use your individual retirement account funds to pay the settlement.

Let’s say it happens when you’re 25 and plan to retire at 65. You’ve got 40 years to replace the money used to pay for the settlement. Even if you had to spend $100,000 of savings, paying yourself back at a rate of $48.07 per week on top of your regular contribution, you would rebuild that savings by 65.

Now, consider if it happens when you’re 45. You have 20 years to rebuild the savings for retirement. You would need to contribute $96.15 per week over and above your normal IRA contribution to pay back your retirement funds. Without umbrella insurance, you also lose the interest you would have accrued on the $100K.

With Umbrella Insurance

After age 40, it becomes harder to pay back this money while maintaining regular retirement deposits. With an umbrella policy, the insurance covers the settlement, and your financial security remains intact. You have nothing to pay out or pay back. With an umbrella policy in force, you pay a few dollars per month in premiums for $1 million of liability coverage. That’s enough to cover nearly anything, but if you need a bigger umbrella, we can help you build that policy.

Contact Us Today

Enjoy your life in beautiful San Jose, CA, and enjoy the peace of mind that an umbrella policy can help bring. No matter how you incur liability, your Bayshield Insurance umbrella policy covers it. Call or email us today to get your policy started.

How to Update a Home Insurance Policy After Making Home Renovations

Home insurance coverage for San Jose, CA homeowners depends on the home’s size, condition, and value. If these factors change after you renovate your home, you’ll want to update your home insurance company to make sure you still have adequate coverage.

How to Update Your Insurer

It’s a good idea to talk with your insurance agency before you make renovations. Explain the changes you’ll be making and ask how they would affect your policy. Your insurance agency may want to have your home appraised again if the renovations will add value to the house or property. If you’re installing a new feature that increases the likelihood of accidents (i.e., a pool or inground trampoline), your insurance agency may recommend that you either increase your home insurance liability limit or buy an umbrella insurance policy.

Some home renovations, such as installing smoke detectors and replacing your roof, can lower your policy cost. However, it’s not uncommon for home renovations to increase the cost of your policy. If your new policy quote is higher than you’d like, talk to your insurer about your options. Alternatively, you can consider getting quotes from other insurers to see if you can find a better deal.

Home Insurance Help from Bayshield Insurance

Bayshield Insurance offers multiple home insurance coverage options to San Jose, CA homeowners of all ages and walks of life. If you already have coverage from our company, call us if you’re renovating your home, and we’ll help you update your policy to suit your new needs. If you need insurance for a newly purchased home or want to switch from your current insurer, contact us to learn more about your options or get a policy quote.

Businesses that Qualify for a Business Owner’s Policy

Saving With Business Owner’s Policy in San Jose, CA

A business owner’s policy (BOP) can protect your business in San Jose, CA, against losses, from legal suits to earthquakes. This blog post from Bayshield Insurance explains a BOP and outlines the requirements for qualifying for one. As BOPs can result in significant savings on premiums, the insurance sector offers them exclusively to certain companies.

Benefits of a BOP

Through a business owner’s policy, your company can access a package that includes the three most frequently procured commercial insurance policies: Commercial property insurance, General liability insurance, and Business interruption insurance. Purchasing these three coverages in a package is more cost-effective than individually. These policies are customizable to your needs, letting you add on coverages such as workers’ compensation and commercial auto, for instance.

Does Your Business in California Qualify?

Several small and medium-sized businesses in California are eligible for this commercial policy. To qualify for a BOP, your business should meet four criteria: operating in a physical space like a retail store or office, employing less than 100 individuals, generating less than $5 million in sales, and owning physical assets vulnerable to theft such as inventory, business equipment, and furniture.

Generally, businesses that opt for a BOP have a higher risk of damage from severe weather or geologic conditions and lawsuits. Retail stores and small manufacturing operations often purchase this policy to provide essential financial protection.

Customize Your BOP Today

Contact Bayshield Insurance today to apply for a business owners’ policy for your business in San Jose, CA. We are here to help ensure your business’s financial stability with tailor-made coverage that caters to your company’s specific needs.

Little Known Aspects of Life Insurance

If you are in the market for life insurance in the San Jose, CA, area, Bayshield Insurance is here to help. But more than just quoting rates and helping you choose the right coverage, we are here to answer your questions and help you better understand the benefits of life insurance.

Here are a few little-known aspects of life insurance:

Waiver of premium benefit.

This benefit covers premiums should the insured become disabled. Premiums could be covered temporarily if the disability is short-term or longer if the disability is long-term or permanent.

Accidental death benefit.

Many life insurance policies contain a provision that if death should occur by accidental means, the death benefit could double. This is often referred to as double indemnity.

Cash value.

Permanent or whole life insurance policies can build value as premiums are paid through the years. This cash value can be tapped into via a policy loan or by cashing in the policy for its accumulated value in the future.

It may cover insurability.

Some life insurance policies may insure the owner’s insurability. This means that despite any future health issues, the owner is guaranteed the ability to increase their coverage. In some instances, these opportunities come at specific points in time.

Life insurance is most affordable when young.

Some people don’t recognize that life insurance is at its most affordable when the insured is young and healthy. That means the best time to buy is now.

Bayshield Insurance is here to help.

For those in the San Jose, CA, area, Bayshield Insurance is here to answer your questions and help you secure the life insurance coverage you deserve. Reach out to us with your questions and to get a price quote today.

Filing an Umbrella Insurance Claim in Irvine, CA

Bundling your insurance with an umbrella insurance policy from Bayshield Insurance can go a long way towards securing your peace of mind when it comes to protecting your assets and investments. If you’re living in San Jose, CA, or Irvine, CA, and need to file a claim, here are a few essential tips to remember as you go through the process in the state of California.

Review Your Policy Details

Understanding the fundamentals of your umbrella insurance policy is essential, particularly regarding coverage limits, conditions, and possible exclusions. The more familiar you are with your policy, the easier it will be to determine what is covered during a time of need. It’s wise also to revisit the underlying insurance policies bundled with your umbrella policy, such as auto or homeowners insurance. Understanding which deductibles you’ll need to meet to use your umbrella insurance can significantly streamline the process of filing a claim.

Document Evidence

Whether you’ve been involved in an accident or your home has recently sustained damage from a natural disaster, it’s crucial to document evidence as thoroughly as possible. Videos, photos, official police reports, and eyewitness statements can all help solidify your case once you file a claim with your umbrella insurance policy provider.

Reach Out to Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company, such as Bayshield Insurance, immediately after any accident or disaster. Promptly notifying your insurance company helps avoid potential delays or even denials.

Submit Your Claim

File claims accurately and precisely for the best outcomes. Provide all relevant documentation and evidence. If required, work with a claims adjuster to ensure accuracy.

If you’re a resident in the San Jose, CA area, and you’re looking for umbrella insurance, reach out to Bayshield Insurance. We’ll help you find an umbrella insurance policy that fits your household’s needs perfectly.

What to Do If Your Home Insurance Claim Is Denied

Home insurance is essential for those in the San Jose, CA area. This coverage is tailored to ensure you have financial protection if your home sustains damage and you suffer certain types of losses. There’s a possibility that your claim could be denied if you do suffer a loss and file a claim. Should this occur, it’s crucial to follow several tips and steps.

Review the Denial Letter and Evaluate the Policy

When a claim is denied, the insurance provider must inform you in writing, providing an explanation for the claim’s rejection. You should then review your policy to ensure their understanding aligns with yours. Given that errors can occur in this process, it’s important to ensure you receive the support you’re entitled to.

Build a Case

If you feel your claim should have been approved, it’s necessary to reconstruct the claim. This process can involve collecting all the required evidence, including pictures, receipts for costs you’ve incurred, police reports, and any other required documentation. Hiring a public adjuster to evaluate your claim independently can also be beneficial.

Reapply Claim

Once all documentation has been compiled, and if you believe the claim should be approved, you should contest and appeal the claim. Legal support can be beneficial during this process, and reaching out to your state’s insurance department may be advisable.

Securing the right insurance is imperative for those in the San Jose, CA area. If you’re in need of insurance, consider reaching out to our team at Bayshield Insurance. Our professionals will help you structure a policy that accurately reflects the necessities of owning a home in this region, ensuring you have the coverage you need.

Liability Protection for Your New Factory

Factory work often requires the use of automated equipment, machinery, and chemicals. Because the mass production of inventory comes with the risk of injury or physical damage, acquiring an adequate amount of liability protection is important.

Factory Setting

Factory business operations are conducted on a larger scale than operations within confined spaces. Due to the high production rate that a factory is noted for, injuries and damage may be major concerns.

Factory work conducted in a high-pressure environment could lead to unintentional accidents. Ensuring that plenty of liability protection is available will minimize the impact that a physical injury or damage could have on your business.

Liability Protection

Liability coverage protects a business owner from unforeseen events. It ensures that there will be enough funding to cover medical bills or repairs, and it may also cover legal costs.

If a customer or employee sues you in the future, your liability insurance would minimize the lawsuit’s impact on you. 


Before you purchase a liability insurance policy, have your new factory inspected. This is an important step, as it will outline any risks that may result in legal issues in the future.

The inspection report will allow you to instill adequate safety measures and guide you in choosing a liability insurance plan that will provide your new place of business with the protection it needs.

Contact Bayshield Insurance

Contact one of our agents at Bayshield Insurance for assistance with acquiring insurance coverage for your factory. An agent serving the San Jose, CA region will educate you about the liability insurance products your factory qualifies for.