Little Known Aspects of Life Insurance

If you are in the market for life insurance in the San Jose, CA, area, Bayshield Insurance is here to help. But more than just quoting rates and helping you choose the right coverage, we are here to answer your questions and help you better understand the benefits of life insurance.

Here are a few little-known aspects of life insurance:

Waiver of premium benefit.

This benefit covers premiums should the insured become disabled. Premiums could be covered temporarily if the disability is short-term or longer if the disability is long-term or permanent.

Accidental death benefit.

Many life insurance policies contain a provision that if death should occur by accidental means, the death benefit could double. This is often referred to as double indemnity.

Cash value.

Permanent or whole life insurance policies can build value as premiums are paid through the years. This cash value can be tapped into via a policy loan or by cashing in the policy for its accumulated value in the future.

It may cover insurability.

Some life insurance policies may insure the owner’s insurability. This means that despite any future health issues, the owner is guaranteed the ability to increase their coverage. In some instances, these opportunities come at specific points in time.

Life insurance is most affordable when young.

Some people don’t recognize that life insurance is at its most affordable when the insured is young and healthy. That means the best time to buy is now.

Bayshield Insurance is here to help.

For those in the San Jose, CA, area, Bayshield Insurance is here to answer your questions and help you secure the life insurance coverage you deserve. Reach out to us with your questions and to get a price quote today.